Courses and publications¶
UTT - Université de technologie de Troyes, Machine Learning and applications. Dr. Pierre Beauseroy, Dr. Martin Palazzo
UTN-BA, Minería de datos. Dr. Juan Voronioff
UTN-BA, Análisis por métodos multivariados. Dr. Pablo Ristori
UTN-BA, Comunicaciones científicas. Dr. Leandro Cymberknop
UTN-BA, Metodología de la investigación. Dra. Ines Casanova
Benchmarking of open-source software for the optimal power flow problem
In this work, a comparative study was made of the different open-source alternatives that currently exist for the modeling, simulation and optimization of electrical power systems. In this case, the PowerModels, Matpower and PFNET libraries were evaluated, the three developed on different programming languages, on the PGLIB database.
The solvers and parameters selected in each library were described, detailing the results obtained for each solved case and for each proposed alternative. Based on this, resolution times and deviations from the PGLIB baseline were analyzed
@article{barberiacomparativa, title={Comparativa de herramientas para la resoluci{\'o}n del flujo {\'o}ptimo de potencia}, author={Barberia, Juan Luis and Legnani, Walter Edgardo and Gesino, Alejandro} }
Computational Tool for Optimal Expansion of Transmission Networks
This paper presents a software tool with a graphical user interface for transmission system expansion planning. Trough an integer-mixed optimization algorithm this tool selects the best combination of projects in all the given scenarios. In this model the load shed control policy to avoid overloads in the circuits is considered. Finally, a case study of the Argentinean interconnection system is presented to illustrate the use of the transmission planning software in real power system models.
@inproceedings{barberia2021computational, title={Computational Tool for Optimal Expansion of Transmission Networks}, author={Barberia, Juan Luis and Anello, Mariano Tomas and del Rosso, Alberto}, booktitle={2021 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON)}, pages={1--5}, year={2021}, organization={IEEE} }
Application of entropic measures in the study of auditory evoked potentials for the detection of pathological patients
The aim of the present work was to design an algorithm to increase the objectivity in differentiating the records of short-latency of auditory evoked potentials between subjects with normal hearing and those with pathologies in the auditory pathway. For this purpose, traditional permutation entropy, weighted permutation entropy and a modified version of the original permutation entropy published in the most recent literature were used to achieve this objective. The choice of the most appropriate entropy was made based on the calculation of the specificity, sensibility, precision and area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The results obtained showed that for the differentiation of healthy and pathological records in the case of minors, the weighted permutation entropy was more appropriate and the modified version in the case of adults.
@inproceedings{cepsi2021evokedpotentials, title={Application of entropic measures in the study of auditory evoked potentials for the detection of pathological patients}, author={Baldiviezo, Marcos Gabriel and Barberia, Juan Luis and Bontempo, Camila and Corsaro, Yanina and Fernandez, Biancardi Facundo and Hernando, Macia Rebeca and Rodriguez, Matias and Paglia, Adrian and Legnani, Walter Edgardo}, booktitle={XI Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial - MACI 2021}, pages={633--636}, year={2021}, organization={ASA-MACI} }
Evaluation of the performance of permutation entropy variants for classifying auditory evoked potentials
The aim of the present work was to investigate the performance of entropic tools to classify, subjects with normal hearing and those with pathologies in the auditory pathway, using short-latency records of auditory evoked potentials. To accomplish with this objective, traditional permutation entropy, weighted permutation entropy and a modified version of the original permutation entropy, correcting the count of the missing or forbidden patterns.
The database used consisted of two age groups, one of minors aged from a few months to four years and the other of older aged over 18 years.
For both minor and older subjects, thirty samples were randomly selected from both normal and hearing-impaired subjects.
Once the different varieties of entropy had been calculated, the difference in mean values was analyzed using statistical tests to check whether the difference between them was significant or not. The differences between means of the groups with and without pathology were found to be significantly different at a level of 99.9 %.
Finally, the choice of the most appropriate entropy was made based on the calculation of the specificity, selectivity, precision and area under the operation reception curve. The results obtained showed that for the differentiation of healthy and pathological records in the case of minors, the weighted permutation entropy was more appropriate and the modified version of the permutation in the case of older adults.
@article{legnani2021evaluation, title={Evaluation of the performance of permutation entropy variants for classifying auditory evoked potentials}, author={Legnani, Walter and Baldiviezo, Marco and Bontempo, Camila and Corsaro, Yanina and Biancardi, Juan Fernandez and Paglia, Adrian and Hernando, Masia and Rodriguez, Mat{\'\i}as and Barberia Juan Luis}, year={2021}, publisher={MDPI} }